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The APE-HE NeXus to JSON converter is designed to automate the process of extracting metadata from NeXus (.nxs) files produced by the Advanced Photoelectric Effect - High Energy (APE-HE) experiment, which is performed for various scientific techniques such as XAS, XMCD, IV CURVE, or 2D MAP. It automatically maps the extracted metadata to a predefined JSON schema, generating a structured JSON document. The NeXus file is parsed using the Python library H5py, which allows efficient navigation and manipulation of HDF5-based files like NeXus.

The current converter processes individual NeXus files and zipped NeXus files from APE-HE experiments, transforming the extracted metadata into a structured JSON format or zipped JSON files suitable for storage.


  • Path to the Schema file (.json): A JSON schema that defines the desired structure of the output document.
  • Path to the NeXus file (.nxs) or zipped NeXus files (.zip): A NeXus file containing experimental metadata and data.
  • Name of the output file (.json) for a single NeXus file input or (.zip) for zipped NeXus files input: The desired name of the output file where the metadata document will be saved.

Supported Vendors

  • Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste synchrotron


  • A structured JSON file or zipped JSON files containing the extracted metadata aligned with the schema.