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Authentication with the NFDI MatWerk Repositories

Both the repositories can be accessed using a federated login system based on keycloak. Therefore, user credentials need to made only once. First you need to sign-up to get your credentials.

Click on the following link:

Choose the repository that you want to use by moving the mouse pointer on it and by clicking on the Open button. Hover the mouse pointer over the box to make the Open button to appear. For example, open the NFDI-MatWerk Data Repository as shown below:


In the home page of the repository, click on the Login button which is located on the top right corner.

login button

This will redirect you to authentication and authorisation Interface(AAI) of keycloak. Click on Register to create new user credentials.

AAI interface keycloak

Now you can register with your details. It is recommended to use your email address itself as your username. Once you click register, you will receive an email from keycloak, with a confirmation link. Click on the confirmation link to complete your registration, and then you are good to go.