Repositories are data management services for registering, preserving, accessing, and finding data and/or metadata schemas and documents, ideally with: versioning, Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructure (AAI), and parsability by humans as well as machines.
This online instance of the NFDI-MatWerk Data and Metadata Repositories hosted by KIT / SCC for the NFDI-MatWerk Community can be accessed using your browser with the NFDI-MatWerk Frontend Collection
Dashboard available at:
The advantages of the NFDI-MatWerk Repositories are:
- easy to use GUI
- uses DataCite Metadata Schema for resources
- integration to other scientific workflows and software using the (customisable) Application Programming Interface (API)
- possibility of installing local instances for high performance storage, large amounts of data and privacy
- data repository allows live interaction with the contents
- metadata repository supports an arbitrary number of XML and JSON schemas including versioning and automatic validation
You can view the publically available content of both repositories without user credentials. But to create, edit or administrate, or to view resources exclusively shared with you, you need to create your own user credentials. A simple
description on how you can create your own user credentials can be found here:
Create user credentials
Existing Documentation
This documentation is supposed to act as a quick reference. For a deep dive, the pre-existing original documentations for the services are recommended. The Data Repository is based on the base-repo and Metadata Repository and Schema Registry is based on the MetaStore. The MetaStore cookbook also offers a detailed guide to the reader with different use cases using the MetaStore.
Mapping Service
This documentation also covers the Mapping Service, which is a tool that can be used to extract metadata from specific file types and then map the extracted metadata to well defined schemas. The Mapping Service can be accessed at https://matwerk.datamanager.kit.edu/frontend/mapping-service-ui.html. More documentation on the Mapping Service is available here.