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Sample > Material > Material property > Electric property > Piezoelectric and ferroelectric

Tilrådd term

Piezoelectric and ferroelectric  


  • 1. Property of certain nonconducting crystals, or dielectrics, that exhibit spontaneous electric polarization (separation of the centre of positive and negative electric charge, making one side of the crystal positive and the opposite side negative) that can be reversed in direction by the application of an appropriate electric field. (Britannica). 2. Ferroelectric materials exhibit spontaneous nonlinear polarization in the absence of an electric field. This polarization can be reversed by exposing the material to a strong electric field, after which the polarization will maintain its direction until a reverse electric field is applied to change it again. (https://www.kadcoceramics.com/ferroelectric-vs-piezoelectric-materials/). 3. Ferroelectricity is a characteristic of certain materials that have a spontaneous electric polarization that can be reversed by the application of an external electric field. (Wikipedia). 4. Piezo-/ferroelectric materials form an important class of functional materials that convert energies between electrical and mechanical energies, thus are critical for numerous applications. (www.researchgate.net, DOI:10.1016/B978-0-12-823144-9.00069-8)

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