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Sample > Material > Material property > Mechanical property

Tilrådd term

Mechanical property  


  • 1. A materials property related to the response of a material under some external applied load. (MatPortal, MaterialsMine). 2. The mechanical properties of a material are those properties that involve a reaction to an applied load. The mechanical properties of metals determine the range of usefulness of a material and establish the service life that can be expected. Mechanical properties are also used to help classify and identify material. (https://www.nde-ed.org/Physics/Materials/Mechanical/Mechanical.xhtml). 3. Mechanical behavior involves the deformation of a material under the influence of applied forces. (Properties of Polymers (Fourth Edition) Their Correlation with Chemical Structure; Their Numerical Estimation and Prediction from Additive Group Contributions 2009, Pages 383-503)

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