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Elecroless platting  


  • 1. Electroless deposition (ED) or electroless plating is an autocatalytic process through which metals and metal alloys are deposited onto conductive and nonconductive surfaces. (Wikipedia). 2. Electroless plating is defined as a coating process which is performed without the use of an external current source. It allows a uniform metal coating independent of the geometrical shape of the parts to be coated. Because of the very good dispersion capability of the used electrolytes, also cavities and the inside of drilled holes in parts can be coated for example. In principal, two different mechanisms are employed for electroless plating: processes in which the carrier material serves as a reduction agent (Immersion processes) and those in which a reduction agent is added to the electrolyte (Electroless processes).( 3. electroless plating, nonelectrical plating of metals and plastics to achieve uniform coatings by a process of controlled autocatalytic (self-continuing) reduction. (Brittanica)

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